
婴儿 发布于 2018-05-31 18:23:55 回帖: 0 | 评论: 0 | 查看: -
Chinese elements in jewelry design
China's long history, ancient myths and profound cultural heritage are all the inspiration for jewelry design. The jewellery designed by the Chinese wind is not only beautiful but also gentle and generous, reflecting the unique Chinese culture and emotion contained in jewelry. In recent years, the design of Chinese wind is more and more popular with foreign designers and consumers. The jewelry designed by Chinese wind is moving towards the world, and many famous jewelers in the world have used the Chinese wind design.

Salazar Tassel Heart Clip On Earrings

Inspiration: tassel
Tassel, also known as a spikes, is a pendant, with five colored feathers or velvet, such as a grain of grain, such as a grain of grain, which has been a fashionable head of the Tang Dynasty.
Tassel, also known as a spikes, is a pendant, with five colored feathers or velvet, such as a grain of grain, such as a grain of grain. It was a popular headwear of the Tang Dynasty.
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