马哼盖PK缅甸 尖晶你是要当范冰冰了吧

初中一年级 发布于 2014-06-30 11:45:53 回帖: 32 | 评论: 0 | 查看: -


高中三年级 彩宝 俄罗斯翠榴 微信: russiandemantoid

Neither location will produce a budget friendly cost for a red spinel. And as always, look for individual stones rather than making the presumption that one locale produces better material than the other because I have seen both duds and jaw dropping quality from both. Be prepared to pay a lot of money if you want to get something highly saturated (devoid of brown and gray) and eye clean. For Mahenges, you are more likely to get something pinkish because they only get truly red in sizes above 5 carats.
